.....and other random stuff......

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Roland Cheese

Being a working mom I wasn't the best at making nutritious, interesting, cutesy lunches when the boys were in school.
We used to get the lunch schedule for the month and they would choose which days to ‘bring’ and which days to ‘buy’.
I was much better at handing out singles on ‘buy’ days. I know, shame on me. The school lunches are terrible. But you do what ya’ gotta’ do is what I’m sayin’.
When we moved down here they opted to always buy lunch at school.
I was quite happy about their decision, one less thing……
We didn't bother with the lunch schedule since there was never a need to know.
Occasionally Husband or I would ask them, “What did you have for lunch today?” 
And they would answer, “Roland Cheese.”
I suppose brighter people would have figured it out but we have a habit of attaching funny names to things and people so we didn't think too much about it.
Either that or we didn't want to show our ignorance.
So we never asked for an explanation.
It must have been well into our second year here when Husband was talking with them and asked, “What did you have for lunch today?” They answered in unison, “Roland Cheese!”
Husband said, “I can’t stand it anymore! Who the hell is Roland Cheese?”
The boys looked at him with confused expressions and then burst out laughing.
“It’s a what, not a who! ROLL AND CHEESE!”

I don’t know which disturbed me more; the fact that the school dietitian thought this was a balanced lunch or my children who couldn't enunciate  properly! 


  1. :D generations of Dutch people have grown up on bread & cheese - look how tall we are, look at how we rock at soccer - I wouldn't worry ;)

  2. :-D And all I would have eaten would be roll. I don't like cheese.

  3. they probably discarded the mystery meat...that's what i used to do :)

  4. Or was it the parents who couldn't understand what the kids said!, lol. So funny, husb. And I would have had the same. It runs in the family, husbs parents thought bread for sale was called Brog bread, they misread 800 grams!


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