Husband doesn’t answer the phone…unless it’s family (and
sometimes not even then.)
Which is why when the caller said he had spoken to him two
weeks ago and Husband said to call back I was……skeptical.
I don’t usually answer the unidentified calls either. We
screen our calls like Ninjas. But I was waiting for a particular call and
wasn’t sure it would come in as an identified number so I answered.
Big mistake….HUGE, as Julia Roberts said.
I usually tell the callers that Husband is dead….or I pretend to get all choked up
and tell them through barely held back tears that he abandoned me for a younger
woman and to go call him at HER residence.
I find it amusing listening to their responses. Mostly they
just hang up. (Very disappointing!)
But for some reason I took a different tack with this
I told him I found it…… far-fetched……that he ever spoke to
Husband and if he was selling something telling me a lie that he had spoken to
Husband was not the most intelligent way to go about making a sale.
He assured me he wasn’t lying or selling anything, but his
‘notes’ showed that he HAD actually spoken to Husband on the sixth and he was
‘just following up’ on that conversation.
As it turned out he was calling because he wanted to make an
appointment to come to the house to ‘educate’ us on our upcoming eligibility
for Medicare. (And offer us a supplemental policy.)
After some banter back and forth about how confusing
Medicare can be….yadda yadda yadda… I told him I didn’t find it confusing at
all and any information I needed could be found on the government website.
I was getting bored with the conversation at this point so I
said, “Look, I understand that insurance sales is a difficult business and that
cold calls really suck, but I’m getting tired of yanking your chain so please
don’t call anymore.”
There was a long pause and he finally said, “You’re from New
York aren’t you?”
I get the feeling this type of behavior isn’t going to bode
well on my heavenly score card when I get to the pearly gates…….