I’m apparently not very good at engagements.
I’ve been engaged to be married twice.
Neither time to Husband.
The first time I was nineteen. He was a sweet, naĂŻve young
man of traditional upbringing, which meant he held a somewhat unrealistic idea
of marriage.
I knew I was in trouble when we went house hunting.
We found a lovely little condo in a serene setting. As we
toured the model he described, in minute detail, what our life would be like.
It went something like this:
I would be the dutiful little apron wearing wife standing at
the kitchen window as he returned home in the evening from work carrying his
briefcase. I’ve NEVER worn an apron! Well, once in ninth grade home-ec because it
was a requirement….. AND I worked (so who’s to say he wouldn’t get home
first???) AND his job was not one where he toted a briefcase…….first
red flag.
I would meet him at the door, still in apron, hand him a
martini (he didn’t even DRINK martini’s!) usher him to the bedroom where we
would engage in stellar, mind blowing sex! ….second red flag. (cough cough)
As we cuddled in post booty afterglow he would light up a
cigarette (again, he didn’t smoke!) then I would go back to the
kitchen to finish preparing the gourmet dinner that I would serve to him by
candlelight wearing ONLY the apron.
At this point, as I stared at him in disbelief, I knew I was
in serious trouble.
Thus, ended the first engagement………………
The second time, I’m ashamed to admit, I was dazzled by the
bright and shiny diamond he put on my finger. Never mind that it was MY money
that paid for it. I knew it was a mistake the minute we stepped out of the
jewelry store. And as I turned to tell him so, two of our friends rushed up to
us and started shrieking and hugging and kissing us in engagement exhilaration.
It’s not easy to tell your freshly minted fiancĂ©e you don’t want to marry him
in front of two enthusiastically squealing friends.
For the next several weeks I tried to convince myself that
it would have happened eventually anyway…..great way to go into a marriage,
Over the next several months I tried to extricate myself from
the situation to no avail. He finally found someone better (the wedding
planner, funnily enough) and I escaped.
So when I met Husband I told him I was ADAMENT about NEVER
getting married or having children. And I truly thought I felt that way.
Playing house was fine but NO engagements or weddings or kids…..ever…….
Until I grew up enough to realize it wasn’t marriage that
was the problem it was who I had been planning to do it with.
I still didn’t risk getting engaged, though.
We did it all backwards: bought a house, eloped, then kids
and THEN I got the engagement ring….. you know, just in case I really did carry
a curse!