.....and other random stuff......

Friday, March 16, 2012

So After the ‘Trooper’ Incident……….

You know you’re in big trouble when your parents are so mad at you they can’t even give you a reasonable punishment, and sputter while trying!

My mother grounded me for life.

It was the very beginning of summer vacation.

The entire summer was looking very grim. Until I came up with a scathingly brilliant idea!

Our house was on a slight hill. The front yard sloped so that one corner of the yard wasn’t visible from the house. It just so happened that THAT part of the yard was at the road heading towards all my friends’ houses.

I decided to be a good and obedient daughter and offered to rake the yard to get back in my parents good graces.

I would work my way down to that corner of the yard and when I thought my mother wasn’t looking I’d run down to my friends and play (leaving the rake on the lawn, duh!) I’d come back several hours later and resume raking like I’d been there the whole time!

The yard never did get completely raked.

Do you think my parents ever caught on? LOL


  1. Oh course they did! and probably had a laugh about it too. One thing they would have discovered from all this was that their daughter would be okay in life, but they would have never let on. So what are you doing this weekend whilst grounded!

  2. Sputtering was always a bad sign. And, yes, they no doubt caught on...but were probably too tired from all the sputtering to react ;)

  3. You are so bad! I think that because mothers have eyes in the back of their heads...that yes...they knew all about your antics! And smiled through them all!

  4. :) Another cool story - I love those :)


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