.....and other random stuff......

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Okay, So I Didn’t Win $1,000,000

But, it was still my lucky day!
I won $20!
Not quite enough to spread the cheer (sorry Ann! LOL)
You win all 10 prizes listed if you get the little money bag symbol. Whoo Hoo! LOL
(Still 'better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick', as my mother used to say!)

BTW The winner of the Publisher's Clearinghouse was Jason Clark of Pocahontas, Arkansas


  1. Congratulations even if it isn't enough to share.....hope you get something good with it!

  2. Congratulations! Even 20 bucks is something! Go have a Starbucks or buy a new art tool. Do something to extend the fun!

  3. Catching up with your posts has provided me with so many grins and chuckles...as always love to visit here, and YAHOO on the win... spend it funly (ie. in a fun manner) not necessarily wisely.


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