.....and other random stuff......

Thursday, March 15, 2012

And Then There Was The Time…..

I was arrested.

Well, not really arrested, but brought to trooper headquarters where my parents had to come and get me.

I won’t go into details. It wasn’t our fault; we were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

But it was a fifty mile drive TO trooper headquarters, and fifty LONG and lectured miles back home! (My father was a world class lecturer!)

Big Brother still revels in the fact that he got to say, “Robin’s in jail,” to my mother when the police called!

I think I still might be grounded from this one!


  1. OMG!..have I just laughed out loud. Why does this not surprise me!!...no, just kiddin'. You must have felt awful at the time, what ever the circumstances were. Are you brave enough to tell us...hehe.

  2. AWWW c'mon I want the whole story! I am sure your brother had a great time with that one! But I have no doubt that you were able to torment him about numerous things as well!

    P.S - I am glad to hear that I am not the only one that likes chairs! Thanks for your comments!

  3. I can just imagine the lecture you got! And your brother standing alongside with a sh..cheshire cat eating grin!

  4. I can imagine how your ears were aching on the long trip home :) xx

  5. Yes, I want to know what happened too!!


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