.....and other random stuff......

Friday, September 12, 2014

29 Faces-September

I haven’t been actively participating, meaning I haven’t been posting my faces to the Facebook page or even here. And I haven’t linked to the 29 Faces blog. But I thought I’d share what I’ve done so far……
Not really stretching myself.....but at least I'm keeping up! 
Some I like, some I HATE, but......truth in advertising as they say. LOL


  1. Love them! And I hope I didn't guilt you to participate (-;

  2. I think they're pretty cool. 1st lady, second row is the one I keep looking at.

  3. great gallery of characters here! i'm drawn (get it?drawn) to the blue ink guy at top left.

  4. I love the guy bottom left!

    It's wise not to stretch oneself too much. Someone did that and was found in two pieces :D

  5. wonderful--I could write a story about each one! LOL such charm and expression!

  6. Amazes me how you come up with so many different faces. Mine would all look the same! lol.


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