.....and other random stuff......

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

He Likes Me, He Really Likes Me!

Have I mentioned I have an older brother?
Growing up I idolized him. All I wanted was to please him. (A fact he took full advantage of!)
As we grew (and I wised up) his approval became less important to me.
Or so I thought.

He called the other day and as we were chatting he mentioned that he read my blog. (I was pleased and just a little surprised.)
He went on to say that he enjoyed it. He liked my style and thought the family stories were quite amusing. He said he was PROUD of me!
My big brother is proud of me!

I feel like Sally Field at the Academy Awards “He likes me, he really likes me!” (Paraphrasing, of course.)

Every 63 years my brother compliments me!
(Disclaimer: That is HIS age, not mine! Just to clarify! LOL)


  1. I bet that felt good!
    Your style is amusing and touching.
    I am proud to be a follower xx

  2. LOL, every 63 years :) So cool though, huh?! :)

  3. I can imagine how good it feels. We don't say good things to those close to us often enough.


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