.....and other random stuff......

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Isn’t it funny how our standards shift over time?

I used to be such a stickler for being on time or getting things done ahead of time.
Over the years I’ve let my standards slip.
Just a bit.
When I was still a working person I was the first one to arrive in the morning.
Then I considered myself on time if I was walking into the building at my appointed time.
Then, if I was pulling into the parking lot, I was on time.
Then it went to—if I was getting into town at my appointed time, I was on time! LOL

Now I find that lax thinking is invading other parts of my life.
The Christmas tree has been up for days, with the boxes of ornaments sitting around it.
Am I in any rush?
If it gets decorated by Christmas Eve before the boys get here I’m still on time!
I’m off to mail my Christmas cards now. Hey, if they get there before New Year’s Day---I’m on time!


  1. I think it's sign of wisdom and maturity to not sweat the small stuff.

  2. Your Chrissie tree looks like mine....I had to remove almost all of the ornaments because T the B thought they were toys and he would tear down the tree to get to them. We're still working on 'no'. Lol. Never mind about the time thing....in my book it is one of the privileges of aging...to take your time. Hugs xx

  3. I like it. my Christmas cards have yet to be written. I am on time if they are in the post before Christmas Day! Have a wonderful Christmas.

  4. maybe we're not twins.. once the tree is up the ornaments are on... :) xx


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