.....and other random stuff......

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Jeffrey had a tomahawk. It was really just a rock, tied to the end of a stick with leather lacing. 
He kept it on his shelf.
“What’s this?” I asked.
“A tomahawk.” He said.
“What does it do?” I asked.
“Indians used to scalp people with it.” he said.
“What’s scalp?” I asked.
“Like this” he said, and proceeded to show me, grabbing a handful of my hair and tapping lightly by my head with the tomahawk.
“Oh, like this?” I said. I took the tomahawk and……

‘Jeffy, wake up” I said. Nothing. I shook him. Nothing.
Oh oh.
I ran downstairs and said to my mother. “Jeffy, fell asleep, really fast. And he won’t wake up!”
I don’t remember if I got punished or not.
He still has the tomahawk.

1 comment:

  1. Lol. That is a funny family story. Brothers and sisters! I was getting ready to go to a dance when my brother thought it'd be funny to click his bic right by my head. We were both surprised at how fast hair can go up in a sizzle. It was like putting a match near plastic wrap! And burning hair stinks! I didn't get hurt and I went to the dance but boy, that was a close one. Maybe I should draw that in my journal. I hadn't thought of that story in years.

    Really nice job on the tomahawk. Really nice job on the watercoloring. Are you liking it more now?


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