.....and other random stuff......

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Throwback Thursday

Over the years I’ve slowly gone through some of the things I’ve kept from my parent’s house.
As I have time, and feel I can take it emotionally, I take on one thing or another.
The other day as I was dusting the shelves (yes, I know, don’t faint at the fact I was cleaning, lol!) I came across a brown, plastic three ring binder that I didn’t recognize so I pulled it off the shelf and started to look through it.
It is a collection of pictures and memorabilia from my father’s time in the service with captions in his handwriting.
I don’t know who any of the people in the snapshots are, except my father, and I don’t care. But I find it interesting to see what he went through and what he was thinking at the time.
I’d like to find a paper conservator and have them make it into a scrapbook that is archival with the newspaper pages opened so you can read them.
I have no idea how to go about finding someone trustworthy who knows what they’re doing. If you know of anyone, please let me know!

So, for the next few Thursdays these will be the images I will share.
Ever the self-promoter, this is the cover page! 
(That is my father. There must have been an artist in his unit as you'll see in the coming posts.)


  1. How lovely. I've said it before Robin. You are so lucky your parents were so good at recording there's and your life in pictures and in words. I'm with you on the dusting😊

  2. Lovely memories, that drawing is awesome.

  3. How lovely. I've said it before Robin. You are so lucky your parents were so good at recording there's and your life in pictures and in words. I'm with you on the dusting😊


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