.....and other random stuff......

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dipe! Dipe!

As a first time parent I had many doubts and insecurities when it came to Son1 and I guess that somehow kids feel this.
When it came to potty training I was just as stressed and unsure as he was.
(After all, my father always said all his problems stemmed from his traumatic potty training experience!)

It was a struggle to get Son1 to use the potty for #2.
He loved peeing in the potty! (I think it’s a boy thing, any excuse to play with it! LOL)
But pooping was a whole ‘nother thing!

He’d wear his training pants all day long, but in the evening when he couldn’t hold it any longer he’d cry for a ‘Dipe! Dipe!’ (Diaper) and after we’d put one on him he’d run behind the chair in the living room to do his business.

What makes this so funny is that the chair only came up to about his shoulder, but he must have thought he was invisible to us.
 He would hold on to the back of the chair and make the most ‘interesting’ faces!
Then come out from behind the chair and ask us to change his diaper!

My mother used to say, “Don’t worry about it. They all go to college potty trained and able to feed themselves!”

There was a period of time I thought, just maybe, Son1 would be the exception to that rule!

Note: Posted with Son1's approval. 


  1. HA! Once again, I Love your mom's advice! I was the same with my children. It'll happen when it happens. And it did...with no trauma. Now Sophia on the other hand would've loved to have us change her diapers until who knows when..but when she was at preschool - age 3 (just) they told her she had to use the potty or go home. She used the potty. It was like switching on a light.


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