.....and other random stuff......

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Puerto Rico

Once upon a time, Husband invited me to Puerto Rico.

Before he became Husband he was on summer duty (Air Force) and I got to be a guest of the ‘state’.
There were an odd number of men in the company sharing rooms at the hotel, which meant Husband had a room to himself.

Free vacation! I’m THERE! (I did have to pay for airfare.)

I got to hang around the pool all day while he worked and then in the evenings I was escorted to dinner with seventeen of the nicest guys you’d ever want to meet!

I was there for a week and had many fun escapades.
Let’s just say high school Spanish does not prepare you for travel in Spanish speaking countries.

One day I decided to go to old San Juan and tour the fort.
I was told at the desk to wait for the blue ‘vehicle’ (at least that’s how I understood it to the best of my Spanish speaking abilities.)
So I stood at the bus stop and waited for the blue ‘vehicle’.

Along came a blue station wagon.
Everyone else got in and put a quarter in the ashtray.
They all sat looking expectantly at me so I got in and put my quarter in the ashtray.
They started chatting and laughing and I got the distinct feeling I had made a faux pas.
It turns out it was a private carpool taking them to work!
But they were kind enough to drop me off at the fort.
I guess they took pity on me and my lack of ability to speak a foreign language!


  1. That's just the sort of thing that would happen to me! lol.

  2. A safe and happy ending, and you got a great story


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