.....and other random stuff......

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

So, if You Don't Hear From Me for a While


  1. Hope that goes well, Robin. See you soon.

  2. Real life Law and Order. I love that show. Have fun!

  3. No government shutdows in the jurisdiction realm? Best of luck there, maybe some sketches of the process... no, guess not.

  4. I got called for jury duty twice . for one I was moving out of state so they let me off and for the other they didn't like me for several reasons. One, I was married to a military man so they thought I'd be too conservative on the one hand and on the other they didn't like me telling another prospective juror that being a homemaker does not mean sitting in front of the TV all day!
    Hope you have a fun or interesting time of it.

  5. good luck! i was called once for a severe animal cruelty case. they didn't pick me...i was so glad. i would have cried all the way through it!!


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