And we only had 3 channels in black and white! Well, four. We could get WMUR Channel 9 from Manchester, NH if someone held up the rabbit ears antenna and danced around a bit. The picture would come in grainy.
we had the first tv on the block! My mom would call the lady across the street at a designated time and the other moms would pick the party line and they'd all plan what they would bring to our house to eat while watching the Milton Berle show. Yup, I'm that old!
And we only had 3 channels in black and white! Well, four. We could get WMUR Channel 9 from Manchester, NH if someone held up the rabbit ears antenna and danced around a bit. The picture would come in grainy.
ReplyDeleteWhen I lived in Pennsylvania as a kid we only got THREE channels!! I don't remember watching much tv...... :-/
Deletewe had the first tv on the block! My mom would call the lady across the street at a designated time and the other moms would pick the party line and they'd all plan what they would bring to our house to eat while watching the Milton Berle show. Yup, I'm that old!
ReplyDeleteLOL, I don't remember the Milton Berle show..... ;)