.....and other random stuff......

Friday, January 24, 2014

And So We Bid a Fond Farewell to Fugitive Friday…..

…..because I can’t think of any more crimes that aren’t either creepy or lewd. 
And I didn’t think you’d want to hear about the guy who was arrested for ‘dating’ {wink, wink....nudge, nudge} his neighbor’s pool toy! True story……only in Florida………

He must go around singing 'If I could buy a blow up doll I could call my own ♫♪♫♪♫.....' 
Oh wait, that's not how it goes.....

Help! I can't stop myself!

So for the good of all, and before I do any more harm...this has been the last Fugitive Friday. 


  1. Well, you are leaving Fugitive Friday on a good one, weird but good, lol.

  2. I love the portraits and stories. How about Girl Friday or Friday Man About Town. Ordinary people doing ordinary things?

  3. LOL well they were great fun while they were here. I also enjoy the family stories (garbage can race was a great one!) I am sure you will continue to provide us with grins one way or another.


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