.....and other random stuff......

Saturday, June 2, 2012

I Flunked ‘Girl’

This is a statement that husband started years ago.
It’s a compliment (believe it or not! LOL)

He is fond of saying that the best thing about me is that I have both my feet planted firmly on the ground.

Romantic, huh? LOL

Actually, I like it.

But I definitely flunked all the ‘girly’ attributes usually associated with being female.

I don’t like or wear jewelry. I like the idea of jewelry, but I don’t like how it feels on me.
I don’t have or lust after furs.
I don’t like to shop.
I’m not a clothes horse.
I don’t have fancy nails.
I cut my own hair.
I don’t go shopping just for the sake of shopping.

When it comes to receiving gifts my favorite was my stand mixer (and my Dyson vacuum is a close second!)

I get annoyed when I see women who think just because they possess a certain piece of anatomy they are entitled to being worshipped like a queen. (They give us all a bad rap!)

Don’t feel too bad for Husband though.

He flunked ‘boy’ as well! Maybe that is why we are so suited for one another!

He doesn’t like sports. To watch or participate.
He doesn’t like to hang out in bars.
He practices polite toilet etiquette (he NEVER leaves the seat up! LOL)
He doesn’t think ‘woman’s work’ is beneath him.
He cooks and he cleans.

I guess we really are a match made in heaven! LOL


  1. I'd say that's a pretty great compliment!

  2. I too flunked girls. I checked off all of the items on your list except I do like to wear a necklace sometimes... not a diamond or gold type as I don't like those, but I do like rusty old looking ones.... and I love playing sports, especially hockey (hence the concussed state I am in right now). I haven't visited for a while (due to lack of computer) but had a great chuckle this morning while I caught up on all your great stories. Have a great Sunday!

  3. I think we were separated at birth...no, wait...our husbands were! Our universes sound so similar :)


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